Saturday, December 5, 2009

Baking & Pastry Skills Development: Breads of the World!

Anyone who is familiar with food knows that it isn't just the food that is specific to a region of the world.  In fact, the identity of most of the culinary regions of the world begins with their breads!

All the way from Germany (debatable), the Pretzel.

If you like Salty and Sweet, you gotta have a Berliner with your Pretzel while walking the streets of Berlin.

Sourdough is by far one of the oldest and most iconic breads in all the world. Here, we will give its origin to San Francisco since some of the world's most famous sourdough comes from just down the road. 

Almost everyone can identify Focaccia as a wonderful Italian bread. Stud it with roasted tomatoes, rosemary, and some fine olive oil for a delightful treat.

Lavash is Armenian in origin and is great along side a hummus dip of your choice. Try some Garlic and Paprika Oil Infused Hummus with Shredded Carrots and Sweet Paprika Dust.

The entire Middle East stakes claim to Naan. Fluffy, light and great for just about any topping or seasoning.

Heading all the way back to Germany, the Stollen fruit bread emerges as a classic Christmas time treat. Iconically made to resemble a baby Jesus wrapped in swaddaling clothing, this bread is about as Christmas as you can get.

While we are on the topic of Christmas, who hasn't seen a Panetone at their local grocery store. Enjoy with an Italian breakfast next time you are in Rome for Christmas.

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